Schor Insights was created for two reasons:

1. The founder, Sara Schor, really loves insights-related work

2. It’s unfortunate how much un-actionable and boring insights work we’ve seen over the years and believe that businesses deserve better.

We take a custom approach with every research and brand strategy project, designing the methodology to ensure it achieves the business objectives guiding the engagement, and will inform real action.

What we offer

Interim/Acting Head of Insights

Qualitative research study design, moderation and insights (traditional, ethnographic, online, mobile)

“Cheap & Cheerful” quantitative study design, fielding, analysis and insights

Large-scale quantitative management and insights

Brand strategy

Target strategy

Insights training

Our newest offering! 

QUALIST is new approach for upskilling marketers to be effective qualitative researchers who impact action and opportunity.
The QUALIST Research(er) Academy is an organization-specific, small-group program that teaches the full research journey, from knowing how to choose the right methodology, to effectively moderating qualitative to finding and sharing the most actionable insights.

Our difference

There are many “strategy” people out there, and even more “insights” folks. We bring the two together, throughout the process, to provide a unique understanding of the customer that has real and practical application to your business, brand and marketing inspiration and decision-making.

[The insights that actually matter]