Who We Are


Schor Insights & Strategy

was created for two reasons. 

  1. The founder, Sara Schor, really loves insight-related work.

  2. It’s surprising how much unactionable and really boring insights work we’ve seen over the years—and think that clients deserve better.

We take a custom approach with every project, designing the methodology to ensure it both achieves the business objectives guiding the project, and will inform real action. 

But regardless of the objectives, we ensure we approach every project:

  • Rooted in our marketing acumen

  • With integrity and quality

  • Driven by curiosity and passion


The Difference

The Intersection of Strategy and Insights

There are many "strategy" people out there, and even more "insights" folks. We bring the two together, throughout the process, to provide a unique understanding of the customer that has real and practical application to your business, brand and marketing inspiration and decision-making.




Sara Schor is the Principal of Schor Insights & Strategy. Prior to opening SIS, Sara spent 16 1/2 years at Sterling Brands, a brand consultancy, where she was EVP of Strategy & Insights. Before Sterling, she spent two years at Nabisco Foods/Planters Division where she ran the canister snacks business (who doesn’t love Cheez Balls?), and then nut innovation initiatives for mass merchandisers. She began her career in advertising, working very hard for very little money.

Sara is a self-professed insights geek, passionate about brands, a thoughtful storyteller and super-curious about people, what they feel and how they think, and what it can mean for clients' businesses.

With 25+ years of marketing experience, across multiple disciplines, Sara can understand the context of your business needs and define a relevant and actionable project approach and solution.

And if you don’t want to talk about insights and brands, Sara would love to connect on awesome scuba destinations (Palau, Little Cayman, Cozumel, and so on), the pros and cons of living in America’s best city (San Francisco), favorite improv genres (still love doing Telenovela) and best books ever (hmmm, tough one; perhaps Crossing to Safety?). 

See who Sara’s had the privilege of working with >